
Psych pop / New wave Nothinge

Nothinge is primarily a Melbourne-based artist but has maneuvred his living spaces to Montreal and Tokyo too in the past. Nothinge released his first album, “The Passage of the Obscurantist” in 2019. His dreamy and obscure psyche-pop is closely sonically tied to the psychedelic pop scenes of Montreal and Los Angeles. However his work cannot be categorised as one genre alone, as the sound takes different routes at points in time. 

He hasn't performed live since the beginning of covid, much like other artists during this time, but after four long-awaited years, he performed live at his friend's band Albatross which had a single release launch at The Merri Creek Tavern in July 2023. His live performance was lively and sensational. The audience was drawn in by the energy and the crowd seemed to come together as one in a unity through the physical celebration of sound.

Excitingly, he will be performing again with Albatross at The Merri Creek Tavern on the 30th November, 2023. Nothinge continues to make music and has already new material to reveal at his next show. 
Stay on the lookout for more material from him! Highly recommend !





Nothingeは主にメルボルンを拠点に活動するアーティスト。2019年にファーストアルバム『The Passage of the Obscurantist』をリリース。彼のドリーミーなサイケ・ポップは、モントリオールやロサンゼルスのサイケデリック・ポップ・シーンを彷彿させます。

コロナ以来、ライブ活動を行っていませんでしたが、2023年7月にThe Merri Creek TavernでのAlbatrossのシングル・リリースで4年ぶりにライブを行いました。

2023年11月30日には、Albatrossと共にThe Merri Creek Tavernでライブを行う予定です。次回のライブでは新曲を披露する予定だそう。彼の今後の活動には目が離せません!



Author : Sayuri Yoshida

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